Autumn is a season.This is the fifth and final season of the temperate zone, spring, summer, fall & winter. The seasons are caused by the tilt of Earth’s axis to the Sun during its orbit around it. Autumn is also called fall in North America, where it is also commonly known as harvest season (due to harvesting crops) or leaf drop season (due to leaves falling from trees). In temperate zone climates and sub-tropical highlands such as China and Japan, there may be one more short growing period after summer before winter begins. Depending on weather and latitude, this period may be marked by temperature…

- Short days
The days are shorter and more relaxed, so you can enjoy nature without worrying about getting too cold or sunburned. Because of this, staying outside during the evenings and into the night is more accessible. If you’re an avid hiker or camper, you can enjoy your favourite activities even longer than in other seasons. For example, if a summer day ends at 6 p.m., there won’t be much time left before dusk arrives. On the other hand, if autumn begins after 5 p.m., then there will still be several hours left before dark comes around again! It’s also worth noting that shorter days mean less exposure time for skin cancer-causing ultraviolet rays (UV).
- Long nights
Perhaps the most apparent characteristic of autumn is its long nights. The days are shorter, and the Sun rises later and sets earlier this season, so it gets dark before you know it. The Sun gets lower in the sky during autumn as well!
During summertime, there are about 15 hours of sunlight per day across most of Europe. This number drops to about 9 hours in wintertime and about 7 hours in spring (in northern latitudes).
- Dry weather
Dry weather is the opposite of wet weather. It’s the weather without rain and frequently occurs during autumn, so it’s common for this season to have dry air. Dry air is caused by the lack of moisture in the air—that is, there’s not enough water vapour to create precipitation like rain or snow.
Investing in a humidifier can help you deal with dryness and other symptoms of your environment’s lack of moisture.
- Cool-weather
Cool-weather is another characteristic of autumn. As you can imagine, it’s not as hot as summer and not as cold as winter. The temperature tends to be between 70 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit during this time of year.
The average temperature in the U.S., for example, ranges from about 60 degrees Fahrenheit in September to around 70 degrees Fahrenheit in November or December.
- Cold days and nights
- Temperature: Autumn is a time of year characterised by significant temperature changes. Temperatures will generally decrease as winter approaches. The average high temperature in the autumn season is around 70 degrees Fahrenheit (21 degrees Celsius), while the average low temperature is around 45 degrees Fahrenheit (7 degrees Celsius). However, this rule may be an exception—particularly in areas with frequent mild winters with little snowfall.
- Wind speed: Most places experience an increase in wind speed during the autumn months, particularly along coastal areas and low-lying plains. In general, though, winds tend to become stronger over land than water due to high-pressure systems moving across continents from west to east during this period.* Cloud cover: Clouds are another significant characteristic of autumn weather patterns globally; they usually form as warm air rises off ground surfaces into cooler air above them.* Precipitation: In general, most regions have less precipitation during autumn than they do during other seasons because it’s drier outside when temperatures are more relaxed, and rainfall tends not to occur as much due to the lack of warming effects associated with solar radiation hitting Earth’s surface
This the characteristic of the autumn season
- Autumn is the season of falling leaves when they change colour and fall to the ground. The autumn season usually starts in September and ends in December.
- Autumn is a harvest time with crops like apples, pumpkins and wheat being brought in from the fields. The first frost comes this year, which means that winter will soon arrive.
- There are fewer daylight hours in autumn than at any other time of year because days are shorter than nights. It gets so dark at night during autumn that people light up their houses with candles or lamps to see where they’re going when they walk outside after sunset! During autumn, there are also more clouds than usual because cold air moves over warm air, causing them to condense into clouds (this happens because cold air cannot hold as much moisture as warm air).
Autumn is the perfect time to get out and enjoy nature, with fantastic weather and gorgeous colours. It’s also an excellent time for enjoying your favourite outdoor activities and spending quality time with friends and family. So whether you prefer hiking or biking, there are many opportunities to enjoy the scenery at this time of year.